
news satire

OK, SO WHAT DID YOU think of my piece about Michele Bachmann's addiction to crazy pills? Oh, I see. You haven't read it yet. Well, why don't you go ahead and do that, and then maybe we'll actually have something to talk about. I'll just sing a little ditty while you read. Take your time.

(When the lights—go down—in the citay / And the sun shines on the baaay . . .)

Ah, you're back. So—oh, stop it, stop laughing so hard. Oh, now you're making me laugh, too! I know, I know, I should be on a double bill with Andy Borowitz, the King of News Satire. Well, thank you, I'd be happy to be your Queen of News Satire.

Speaking of Andy Borowitz, the King of News Satire has graciously offered to [not] speak on my behalf. And this is [not] a direct quote!!

"Hi, everyone. I'm [not] Andy Borowitz of the famous Borowitz Report. Kate didn't even have to ask me to write on her behalf—let me tell you, I was simply thrilled to [not] sing her praises! If she were a guy, I'd knock her block off, for she has [not really] got to be my strongest competition in the cut-throat world of humor! And that's no [yes] lie!!"

Thanks, Andy! I therefore leave my readers with this solemn, multi-part promise separated by semi colons: Every time I publish a news satire piece, you will [not] be the first to know; each news satire piece will have its own unique word count; and I will [maybe] not stop writing until I've completely run out of ideas. Which could be any time, so I'd soak it in while you can.

Kate's News Satire As Seen In HumorFeed

As Seen In Postcards From the Pug Bus

As Seen In CAP News

As Seen In The Specious Report

As Seen In DeadBrain U.S.