
Jetson's Astro Wins Big On Celebrity Jeopardy!

Ruh-roh, Rastro Rules!

LAST WEEK'S Jeopardy! featured a furry friend among the celebrity contestants on the long-running t.v. game show, hosted by Alex Trebek. None other than The Jetson's beloved pooch, Astro, took the top spot and stole the show from his co-contestants Charlie Sheen and Jessica Simpson.

With lightning reflexes acquired from his early years as a behavioral lab dog, Astro posed the correct queries from a variety of Jeopardy! categories, such as:

Shakespeare's Kings

"He couldn't handle the truth from daughter Cordelia." ("Roo ras Ring Rear?"),

60s British Invasion

"Ringo Starr replaced him in The Beatles." ("Roo ras Rete Rest?"),

and Special Astro Category: "R" words

"A dog named King." ("Rut ris Rex!")

Alex Trebek, known for his uncanny ability to read off correct responses as if he actually knew them, paused longer than usual after Astro's replies to confirm their correctness, "taking into account Astro's unique diction, you know," cited the host.

Astro's impressive total of $16,200 will be donated to his favorite charity, Lab Scientist Killers of America.

Charlie Sheen and Jessica Simpson did not fare quite as well for their charities, having made out through most of the show.