Durable 'do stands firm despite setback.
ALTHOUGH former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has died, the Iron Lady's hairdo, firmly held in place by approximately three million coats of hairspray applied over the last 50 or so years, is said to be doing "quite well" despite what its handlers are calling "a minor setback."
Stylists for Mrs. Thatcher admit the Prime Minister's passing "will likely prevent much follicle growth in the future," but insist "this is but a small fact lost in the shadow of the great, solid, immovable monument that is the Prime Minister's coiffure."
Experts speculate that Mrs. Thatcher's hair will stand the test of time, and will, as one archaeologist said, "thrill future scientists with its permanence across the ages, as Tutankhamen has done for us."
Handlers for the former PM's 'do say they are not concerned about the style becoming prey to "pillow hair" as the decades pass, "since it has been pressed against pillows, and indeed been turned upon them night after night, thousands of times in a lifetime, without budging one atom."
Mrs. Thatcher's hair will be on view for 48 hours in St. Paul's Cathedral starting Tuesday. Schoolchildren all across Britain will be able to view the hair from their classrooms via Skype, and will participate in an online discussion about how the former Prime Minister's hair and career have affected their lives in the present day.
"I really want to see the Prime Minister's hair," said one little eight-year-old boy from London. "It must be very sticky, but I'm sure it's very important hair."
© 4.9.13 Kate Heidel