
First Dog Bo Grants Interview with Press Before Walkies

The world learns how Bo got his name, why he loves paper and tomatoes, and what he thinks of American Idol.

HI EVERYONE! I'm going walkies soon, woof! Can I nuzzle all your knees?? All of them, all of them!! Oh, whimper, pulled away from knees! Woof! Stand. Pant.

Q: Hi, Bo! Say, fella, can you tell us how you got your name?

Two little girls! Taller, shorter. It's easy to remember! Woof! I answer to Bo, Low, Go, D'oh!, Merlot, So, Grow, Pro, Hello—

Q: Okay, that's a good boy, Bo. How do you like living at the White House?

Great, woof! Lawn, lawn, lawn!! Places to pee, places to poop. A man picks up my poop and swears. Shorter than Tall Man. Walking, running! Flowers! Swingset! Sniffing!

Q: Bo, honey, we hear you love watching American Idol. Can you tell us which Idol you like best?

No! No!

Q: Why is that, boy? Why can't you tell us who you like the best?

Moving around! Running down steps! Sometimes knees are up in balconies! Woof! Your knees are here, nuzzle. Got away with it!

Q: Say, boy, can you tell us why you like tomatoes?

Juicy! Squish-all-over ball! Some balls don't squish, but tomato ball is great for squish!

Q: Well, that's great, Bo! And what about paper? Why do Portys love paper so much?

Toilet paper melts in my mouth. What's your paper? Woof! What's, what's your paper! Tear me a piece of paper! Pant, jump on knees!! Tear skirt. Inky paper flavor, mmm. Leave me alone a minute.

Q: Hey there, fella! Say, Bo, Bo? Over here, fella. Tell us what it's like being the First Dog!

First Dog of Tall Man! Woof!

Q: So what's it like, Bo?

I don't see Tall Man much. Photo op! Petting! Gets on helicopter and waves. That's okay! Girls and Tall Woman play with me. Can I sniff your shoes? Quick sniff. Pulled away again!

Q: Bo, tell us, have you flown on Air Force One?

I flew once! I threw up! Shorter Man picked up throw-up and swore. I won't fly again, Shorter Man says, ever again! Another sheet of paper? Come on! Jump on knees! Start to chew on Porty microphone. Do I know you?

Woman with frilly top half, before I go could you bend down? I want to lick your face. Lick your face!! Oh, yummy, thanks.

Bye everyone! Going walkies! Look back a couple times! Woof!!