
Obama, Boehner Unite after Aurora Massacre 'to Do Nothing As One America'

Leadership once again rises to the occasion.

IN THE aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado shooting rampage, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters that he and President Obama have agreed to "set aside partisan bickering" and do nothing regarding new gun-control legislation.

"The President has made clear that he's not going to use this horrific event to push for new gun laws. I agree," said the Speaker.

"After such a terrible, senseless tragedy," Boehner continued, "where twelve innocent lives were lost to a madman with a semi-automatic rifle, a .40-caliber Glock, 6,000 rounds of ammunition—and with 30 grenades in the madman's apartment ready to kill even more—now is clearly not the time to talk about closing loopholes to purchase these weapons," said the Speaker.

"I'm happy to say the President is in full agreement with me on this bi-partisan issue," Boehner said. "The American people can be proud that we have joined hands despite our differences during this tragedy and agree to do nothing as one America," said the Speaker, wiping away a tear.

President Obama would not comment on his decision not to lead on banning assault weapons, but his press secretary, Jay Carney, told reporters the President "is committed to keeping Americans safe from violent threats, be they foreign or domestic. He is just committed in a very subtle way that has to do with chess, or one of those complex brain teasers you see in the Sunday paper."

Mr. Carney went on to say that Mr. Obama was "deeply moved" by the stories told by the victims' family members, "but the way he was moved cannot be gauged by ordinary means, such as watching the President take urgent action on gun control," Carney explained.

"I'm sure that something will emerge from the White House as a result of this latest horror in a string of senseless tragedies in America," continued Carney, "but it may not be visible to the naked eye."

Speaker Boehner said his support for the President "will stand as long as he agrees with me that doing nothing is the best course of action. As my good friend, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, has pointed out so eloquently, what we in Congress need to do is let more time pass. The American people should expect no less."

"I think," said Carney, "that President Obama would be willing to work with Republicans on that time thing."